BACKGROUND I have been a smoker on and off for years from when I was 15. The longest time I have ever given up smoking is 3 years and that was because I was competing in the fitness industry.
PAST I feel deep regret for putting my family through the smell of my clothes and my person. I did not realise how offensive the smell really was and to this day have the guilt after losing my Father to cancer, he never smoked or drank.
RECENTLY I gave up smoking last year April 2020 cold turkey and the pandemic encouraged me as all I could think of was those unfortunate souls that were finding it difficult to breathe ‘God -given air’ and me welcoming the fumes of tobacco and really taking nature for granted.
TODAY Next month it will be a year since I gave up this addictive habit and I think that through guilt and deep regret I would never pick another cigarette up again.
QUESTION For the last six months I have been having a very weird experience, which by the way I am the only one in that room that is experiencing it and I am wondering whether it be Supernatural or Psychological. I am not in anyway a sceptic I am very open-minded and believe that there is more in this world that we cannot see and we fail to understand.
EXPERIENCE I know that the human mind is a very powerful tool and that we only use a third of it. I wonder how much more powerful we would be if we activated a lot more of it.
The first time I experienced this is when my mother came over to see me we were sitting down talking and then all of a sudden I could smell a strong scent as if someone was standing next to me and smoking. I mentioned this to my mum and she said that she could not smell a thing. I cannot see the smoke but I smell it as if there is someone smoking. Mum found this strange.
On another occasion my partner came to visit I was assembling a Amazon shelf unit for my home office when there it was again the cigarette smell. I asked him can you smell that he said no he looked a bit worried.
The next time this happened I was alone and actually shouted that I am not in the mood for this and for it to go away and bother someone else who cares. The smell slowly went.
Last night I was talking to my mother on Whatsapp video about my rant with the smell and all of a sudden the smell was back again, I told her its there again and that I could not take the smell but at the same time I refuse to give it power and not acknowledge it. I told it to go away and I decided to go out for a walk when I got back it had gone.