Looking at my dictionary these were the definitions of the word trust.
1a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. b : one in which confidence is placed. 2a : dependence on something future or contingent : hope.
In our early experiences of childhood the first people we trusted were our parents or in some cases other carers who we resided with. When we were babies I would like to think that we could trust that our parents would not drop us or neglect us.
As we grew up one would hope that we were nurtured and cared for and that we had the security of responsible adults who we could look up to , who would provide us with our basic needs for example, a clean respectable home environment to live in, three square meals a day and encouragement and respect from our immediate family.
This is the first relationship we have had in our lives where we don’t question our parents trust.
When I reached a level.of maturity, which was way after my late twenties, I was able tto understand that the word “Trust" was not to be used lightly.
“The person I trusted the whole of my life was my beloved Father, he never judged me, he loved me and had respect for me. His advise was not “you must…” it was the wisdom and knowledge of keeping your best interests at heart and protecting you at the same time. If all things fell apart he would be there to pick me up”
There are people who you thought you could trust that are authority figures but in my opinion whether a doctor, teacher, priest, policeman etc they are just doing their jobs. It does not make them a perfect person they make mistakes and sometimes you hear stories of corruption.
“My Confidante, my Beloved Father, my world died in February 2017 and then I found that I still ask him what he thinks? There is no solid evidence to say that he doesn’t hear me. I like to believe he lives on through me. He still gives me the answers I need.”
In this society we seem to believe everything the media puts out there “it is written so it is gospel.” WRONG anyone can write an article and create a drama out of it. As far as I am concerned unless I was there or there is genuine proof l remain neutral, very misleading information can be fatal.
There is too much propaganda in the newspapers and with politics and health matters. Everyone is an expert and people, like sheep, follow. I mean God gave you a brain for a reason… think for yourself..
Stereotypes and deformation of characters whether famous, infamous or not. There are many celebrities that I do not rate as a good role models for the future generation.
We all have flaws none of us is perfect, but wouldn’t it be a dream if there were more respectable people of good character who reach out to the younger generation by encouraging them to be the best they can be. I know they do exist.
The definition of such a person does not have to be someone who is in power or who is rich or famous because to me class is defined with the attitude of that person, you can be the richest person in the world and might still be a degenerate. The way you carry yourself, the respect you have for yourself and others is more important.
Another thing is that you should never trust even the man of cloth (religious leaders) they are human too and do not have all the answers.
There is alot of corruption in some religious movements, that I have had my fair share of experiences with, what a mistake… I agree I was vulnerable these people are using the word “God’ with no real message, to control their flock. The magic word that will be mentioned constantly…. “tithes" and that by giving a 1/3 of your wages things will get better for you. If things are not better it is because you did not have enough faith.
Meanwhile… these leaders have a massive house and an expensive car, their children go to private schools etc
Who can you trust if not a doctor of religion???
Then you have the system that talk the talk and get voted in and do sweet sod all that they have promised. Who do you trust?
The doctors who have to make the quota of how much percentage of pharmaceutical drugs to give to their patients who, some could probably do better holistically by changing their lifestyle the way they eat etc.
There are patients who have been diagnosed by a Doctor without any investigation and are prescribed a new drug that they find has bad side effects and are then prescribed another to counteract the side effects so on amd so forth. Eventually your drug intake can be from 1 type of drug to 3.or 4 different ones. Who do you trust with your health?
Whatever job you may be doing do you trust your boss? Are they making decisions to suit themselves more than you?
Do you trust your close friends or family? Do people you love gossip about you behind your back?
Ask yourself this, if you were in a dire situation do you know someone who you can trust to confide in??????
Unfortunately in this life their are selfish people who come into your life and all they care about is themselves, what they can benefit from you. You may of helped them along the way but now you find that they are too busy to help you.
In everything there has to be a balance.
Trust is not excluded I would say I do not put my trust in anybody so much that it would be a disaster if they let me down. Trust is not an easy one to do unconditionally.
Natalie Bleau