I have received praise for my courage in openly sharing my thoughts and being willing to show vulnerability.
Having the courage to be brutally honest with yourself and strive to become a better person takes immense strength.
Nobody desires to criticise themselves, but I have chosen to do so to be indeed authentic.
I act as my critic to release the burden from my thoughts by acknowledging my flaws through writing.
Not only am I letting go of the weight on my shoulders, but I am also actively working to address and change my unhealthy habits.
The answers I provide are my solutions.
Every individual has a unique and effective way of dealing with complex subjects.
Some people stay uninformed, while others are entirely oblivious to their issues.
It was only when I began showing myself compassion that I started to tackle my unhealthy behaviours and toxic mindset.
Reaching into the depths of self-discovery, despite the intense pain and soul-shattering challenges it brought, has ultimately been the most valuable and empowering endeavour I’ve ever undertaken.
Not only did it improve me as a person, but it also released me from the shackles of negativity.
I felt like my life was spiralling out of control, utterly devoid of balance.
If I hadn’t decided to be better for myself a few years back, I might not be here today.
I acknowledge that my actions trapped me for the crucial years of my life, hindering my growth and potential.
I sentenced myself to a life stripped of all feelings and emotions.
I carelessly stumbled in and out of relationships that had no significance.
I always hoped to fit in and be seen as usual, but I was far from normal.
I was engulfed in a web of deceit, inflicting punishment on myself and manipulating those in my relationships.
In hindsight, I should have refrained from entering any relationships or friendships due to my perceived shortcomings.
I found myself constantly at odds with my thoughts, struggling to define my identity and holding myself back from fully committing to anything.
I was a force to be reckoned with, with no plans to invest in future endeavours with anyone.
I used to be ignorant of the impact of my harmful actions, and I no longer feel the need to defend them.
Reflecting on my past, I realise that I was in a state of emotional and mental turmoil that even therapists were unable to help me overcome.
The key to self-improvement was to be open to facing all challenges head-on. I needed to start fresh, like wiping the slate clean.
Before anything else, I had to accept that I had a problem that needed recognition.
I realised that the issue at hand was myself. It was a sobering moment when I began to analyse my thoughts and emotions, only to discover the true extent of my shortcomings.
I’ve heard many people stress the need to adjust your mindset.
No matter how many self-help books you turn to in hopes of convincing yourself of your identity, they will not shield you from facing the harsh reality.
Without understanding my true self, self-help books held no value for me.
At this moment, I began my journey into the world of self-discovery through the art of writing books based on my experience.
If you don’t dare to confront your true self with brutal honesty, any self-help books you turn to will only serve as a temporary fix for a much deeper wound, like trying to cover a broken arm with a Band-Aid.
Unravelling all you have absorbed and embracing what resonates with your inner being can be a profoundly challenging and transformative journey that may bring about soul-shaking discomfort and resistance.
It will not be simple, but it is necessary for growth and alignment with one’s true self.
From the moment we are born, we are taught to follow rules. These rules become ingrained in us and shape the way we live.
Not all rules promote well-being; some can be harmful and limiting.
Reflecting on my adult years, I realise that I often deceived myself into thinking my choices were correct.
Those rules were never indeed mine. They were oppressive, hindering my growth and stifling my ability to learn.
Despite not owning them, I felt guilty whenever I strayed from them.
I am revealing my true self to rescue others from their inner turmoil.
If you are lucky enough to cultivate a relationship with yourself that is free from external influences or opinions, then you are indeed fortunate.
In everything, there must be a balance.
Scripture of Balance
Natalie M Bleau