The act of apologising to someone you have wronged, is the first step to asking them to forgive you.
Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do when a person has hurt you or someone that you love. I am sure we all have been there, but without forgiveness we cannot move on.
Some people hold grudges against another person, it may be an incident that happened a very long time ago. These people are hurting themselves as the hate and darkness they hold is destroying them.
Would you want to carry this burden with you for the rest of your life?
But we do, especially if there is a likelihood that they are still going to be in our lives, as they could be connected to you by work, family or friends, and you try your best to avoid them.
However, if you happen to be in a room where there is friction, you can sometimes feel the negative energy.
A person who forgives you from their heart will leave your past wrongs behind and never bring it up again. The relationship between the two of you will change as they will be careful how they tread hence the saying ‘once smitten, twice shy.’
Anyone can say that they ‘forgive you’ but meaning it, is another matter.
The fact that some people find it hard to forgive some wrongs is not a criticism or judgement as it depends on the severity of the deed. It can take many years for that person to heal, they must be given time and space to be able to get over the anger and the hurt that they feel.
Some people are forgiving, and others will never forgive. That does not mean they are bad, it is just not healthy to carry all that anger, hurt and hate around.
Personally, I have been through many situations in life where I have carried a lot of anger around with me for so long that it has festered and almost destroyed me. Hate, to me, is a strong word and I cannot even say that deep down I have hated a person but the deed.
In order to free myself from the darkness, I had to learn to forgive the past, accept it and move on. I had to heal, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
It is the hardest task for anyone to successfully do, as it must come from within the heart and not just out the mouth.
‘After all the past is in the past and the future is for the rest of your life.’
There is a blind spot where forgiveness seems impossible, especially in these case scenarios.
Can you forgive the perpetrator who is responsible for your paralysis?
Can you forgive the murderer who killed your innocent child?
Can you forgive someone who accused you of something that will defame your character?
It is a lot to think about and some people never find peace.
The Scripture of Balance
Natalie Bleau