

I have read a lot of books, seen a lot of films to know that society has always portrayed the male as the dominant character, they have the answers the power and influence over everyone on a physical and intelligence level.

Women do not have the brains or the freedom to contribute wisdom and power to the world.

They are seen as tools of desire and pleasure.

Women.must know their place as second class citizens or only good for pumping out babies.

A man once said to me ‘Women are incapable of making decisions that’s why God made Men.” The best way to answer a fool is to laugh and say nothing? No! I came back with ‘ only a woman who is in a coma can agree"

Trust me we are so not that! We may not all be woken yet and some of us are mothers but we are so much more than that We are Divine💥 human beings.

This blog is not about hating on men it is all about taking back the power you have within you that society has used to condition your mind.

For the awakened mind of a human is to do their own research and to also think for themselves.

After completing my studies of the ‘Divine Feminine’ I was amazed that the message I received was nothing new, it was something I always knew deep down within me and I believe everyone who reaches out to fulfill their role and purpose in life embraces this inner knowledge.

We all have the ability to think for ourselves and to make up our own minds about what we believe, we do not have to embrace somebody else’s truth to.make them feel better, as we end up blocking our own abilities to see ourselves.

As I have mentioned in one of my blogs that I wrote earlier on this year, we need to unlearn what our minds have been conditioned to learn from childhood.

There is no one to blame for this conditioning as our ancestors knew no better and most likely way back then, did not have the opportunities some of us can access today.

I noticed that when I observe some friendships or close relationships, their will always be the type of person who likes to take control whether they have any experience or not.

These types of people are ‘always right’ and like to think that they have more ‘wisdom’ than their counterparts. When challenged they come across as ignorant and sulky they cannot ever admit that they are wrong. This turns out to be a very TOXIC and UNHEALTHY relationship.

Ego also plays a part expecially if it is the battle between couples. The females are to be seen and not heard.

When I look back on experiences I have had in friendships and relationships its a competitive battle, especially if you are strong willed and have experienced the inexperienced.

Being a woman I have found that when in a social situation amongst other people, that I have been talked over, almost like I wasn’t there or that my opinion didn’t matter.

My parents encouraged me to never drop my standards for anybody. I have lived by that and I have found myself and my voice and if anyone does not wish to hear me then they needn’t be in my presence. Its as simple as that.”

In life there has to be a balance of good and evil, commonsense and stupidity, ignorance and knowledge.

But I believe that we must all remain true to ourselves as unique individuals. We all have our own personalities and characters and if we need change we can become a better version of who we are.

We all set our standards that we feel honoured to live by, our morals and ethics etc . We are humbled by being ourselves. We do not need to be competitive and prove ourselves to anyone. ‘We proudly know who we are regardless No one can take that specialness of knowing one self away from us.’

Most importantly we have to find the correct balance in order to fit in to.a society that is controlled by social media and the idealists of society.

We must become ourselves, we must embrace our newfound knowledge only then we can free ourselves from those who try to control us. We must not rely on others for all the answers we must look within ourselves. There is nothing wrong with asking for advice… But it is our own mind, we have to decide as we are accountable for our own choices that we make.


Think for yourself don’t become another clone of society or have your mind enslaved by another human being, do not be manipulated and feel intimidated by anyone else we all have our abilities of strength and we have weaknesses that can be seen as strengths too.


My father on his deathbed had more or less told me to be ‘BE the person that you are happy to BE the person that makes you feel comfortable and DO what makes you feel happy not what others want you to DO or BE because at the end of the day when you are lying down dying you want to be able to say I lived my purpose.

He is so perfectly right, in life we make so many sacrifices for everyone else we forget about ourselves. We need to look after ourselves, we need to take time for ourselves we need to be gentle with ourselves we need to get to know who we are and what we stand for? Most of all we need to have a balance within our lives.

Natalie Bleau




Scripture of Balance Author & Founder
Scripture of Balance Author & Founder

Written by Scripture of Balance Author & Founder

We need to take back control of our lives, when you find the power within you the battle is almost won!! Live in UK Bipolar Survivor NATALIE M BLEAU

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